Cold forging press Aida PK-63 - 630 ton

Listing ID: #S80633 (Available)

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Specifications - Aida PK-63 (ID:S80633)

TypeCold forging press
Capacity630 ton
Stroke140 mm
Stroke per minute45
Bolster area560 mm x 700 mm
Slide area430 mm x 600 mm
Die height420 mm
Adjustment15 mm
Main motor37 kw
Cold forging press for sale: Cold forging press Aida PK-63 - 630 ton (ID:S80633). All details of this offer (availability, condition, price, delivery terms) will be sent to you by our manager, please click "Send inquiry". We can also help with finding other equipment for your needs.Send inquiry

Photos - Aida PK-63 (ID:S80633)

Cold forging press Aida PK-63 - 630 ton (ID:S80633) - Dabrox.comCold forging press Aida PK-63 - 630 ton (ID:S80633) - Dabrox.comCold forging press Aida PK-63 - 630 ton (ID:S80633) - Dabrox.comCold forging press Aida PK-63 - 630 ton (ID:S80633) - Dabrox.comCold forging press Aida PK-63 - 630 ton (ID:S80633) -
Forging machinesHot forging presses AidaForging pressesAida pressesHot forging pressesKnuckle joint presses AidaMechanical pressesKnuckle joint pressesKnuckle joint presses 630 tonPresses 630 tonHot forging presses 630 ton

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