High speed stamping press Minster Pulsar 30 - 30 ton

Listing ID: #76013 (Available)

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Specifications - Minster Pulsar 30 (ID:76013)

TypeStamping press
ModelPulsar 30
Year of manufacture1985
Pressure30 ton
SPM100 — 1400
Table760 x 535 mm
Plunger760 x 305 mm
Installation height230 x 260 mm
Plunger adjustability44.5 mm
Stroke max.25.4 mm
Total weight9000 kg
Stamping press for sale: High speed stamping press Minster Pulsar 30 - 30 ton (ID:76013). All details of this offer (availability, condition, price, delivery terms) will be sent to you by our manager, please click "Send inquiry". We can also help with finding other equipment for your needs.Send inquiry

Photos & Video - Minster Pulsar 30 (ID:76013)

High speed stamping press Minster Pulsar 30 - 30 ton (ID:76013) - Dabrox.comHigh speed stamping press Minster Pulsar 30 - 30 ton (ID:76013) - Dabrox.comHigh speed stamping press Minster Pulsar 30 - 30 ton (ID:76013) - Dabrox.comHigh speed stamping press Minster Pulsar 30 - 30 ton (ID:76013) - Dabrox.com
Presses MinsterPresses 30 tonHigh speed presses

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Configuration: 30 ton