Hot forging press Eumuco KP 3150 - 3150 ton

Listing ID: #76128 (Available)

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Specifications - Eumuco KP 3150 (ID:76128)

TypeHot forging press
ModelKP 3150
Year of manufacture1980
Capacity3150 ton
Stroke310 mm
Die height1100 mm
Slide size1580 x 1600 mm
Table size1700 x 1800 mm
Driving power250 kW
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Photos - Eumuco KP 3150 (ID:76128)

Hot forging press Eumuco KP 3150 - 3150 ton (ID:76128) - Dabrox.comHot forging press Eumuco KP 3150 - 3150 ton (ID:76128) - Dabrox.comHot forging press Eumuco KP 3150 - 3150 ton (ID:76128) - Dabrox.comHot forging press Eumuco KP 3150 - 3150 ton (ID:76128) -
Hot forging presses EumucoHot forging EumucoPresses 3150 tonForging pressesHot forging pressesMechanical pressesEccentric pressesPresses EumucoHot forging presses 3150 ton

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