Hot forging press TMP Voronezh K8544 - 2500 ton

Listing ID: #75734 (Available)

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Specifications - TMP Voronezh K8544 (ID:75734)

TypeHot forging press
ManufacturerTMP Voronezh
Capacity2500 ton
Table dimensions1200 x 1400 mm
Ram dimensions1070 x 1120 mm
Ram stroke350 mm
Shut height890 mm
Table-to-ram adjustment10 mm
Distance between columns1320 mm
Table height above floor450 mm
Upper knockout stroke6,3 x 50 / ton x mm
Lower knockout stroke10 x 50 / ton x mm
Number of strokes per minute60
Working strokes per minute20
Working air pressure5 kg/cm
Main motor power132 kW
Voltage380 V
Overall press dimensions5350 x 4680 x 8250 mm
Press weight, app.203000 kg
Hot forging press for sale: Hot forging press TMP Voronezh K8544 - 2500 ton (ID:75734). All details of this offer (availability, condition, price, delivery terms) will be sent to you by our manager, please click "Send inquiry". We can also help with finding other equipment for your needs.Send inquiry

Photos & Video - TMP Voronezh K8544 (ID:75734)

Hot forging press TMP Voronezh K8544 - 2500 ton (ID:75734) - Dabrox.comHot forging press TMP Voronezh K8544 - 2500 ton (ID:75734) - Dabrox.comHot forging press TMP Voronezh K8544 - 2500 ton (ID:75734) - Dabrox.comHot forging press TMP Voronezh K8544 - 2500 ton (ID:75734) - Dabrox.comHot forging press TMP Voronezh K8544 - 2500 ton (ID:75734) -
Hot forging pressesPresses TMP VoronezhPresses 2500 tonHot forging presses 2500 tonHot forging presses TMP Voronezh

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