Hot forging upsetter National 6 - 1200 ton

Listing ID: #75558 (Available)

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Specifications - National 6FM (ID:75558)

TypeForging upsetter
Dia152 mm
Forge Tons1200 ton
Grip Open203 mm
Stroke457 mm
Grip Tons590 ton
Gather244 mm
Hold117 mm
Die space length660 mm
Die space height813 mm
Thickness of each die283 mm
Main motor power56 kW
Machine length5918 mm
Machine width4089 mm
Distance face of wedge to face plate heading slide forward1441 mm
Net weight115666 kgs
Crank pin diameter of main shaft508 mm
Forging upsetter for sale: Hot forging upsetter National 6 - 1200 ton (ID:75558). All details of this offer (availability, condition, price, delivery terms) will be sent to you by our manager, please click "Send inquiry". We can also help with finding other equipment for your needs.Send inquiry

Photos - National 6FM (ID:75558)

Hot forging upsetter National 6 - 1200 ton (ID:75558) - Dabrox.comHot forging upsetter National 6 - 1200 ton (ID:75558) - Dabrox.comHot forging upsetter National 6 - 1200 ton (ID:75558) - Dabrox.comHot forging upsetter National 6 - 1200 ton (ID:75558) - Dabrox.comHot forging upsetter National 6 - 1200 ton (ID:75558) - Dabrox.comHot forging upsetter National 6 - 1200 ton (ID:75558) - Dabrox.comHot forging upsetter National 6 - 1200 ton (ID:75558) - Dabrox.comHot forging upsetter National 6 - 1200 ton (ID:75558) - Dabrox.comHot forging upsetter National 6 - 1200 ton (ID:75558) - Dabrox.comHot forging upsetter National 6 - 1200 ton (ID:75558) - Dabrox.comHot forging upsetter National 6 - 1200 ton (ID:75558) - Dabrox.comHot forging upsetter National 6 - 1200 ton (ID:75558) - Dabrox.comHot forging upsetter National 6 - 1200 ton (ID:75558) - Dabrox.comHot forging upsetter National 6 - 1200 ton (ID:75558) - Dabrox.comHot forging upsetter National 6 - 1200 ton (ID:75558) - Dabrox.comHot forging upsetter National 6 - 1200 ton (ID:75558) - Dabrox.comHot forging upsetter National 6 - 1200 ton (ID:75558) - Dabrox.comHot forging upsetter National 6 - 1200 ton (ID:75558) - Dabrox.comHot forging upsetter National 6 - 1200 ton (ID:75558) - Dabrox.comHot forging upsetter National 6 - 1200 ton (ID:75558) -
Forging machinesUpsetters NationalUpsetters 1200 tonHorizontal forging machines 1200 tonHorizontal forging machines National

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