C-type press K2322 - 16 ton

C-type press K2322 - 16 ton (ID:75185) - Dabrox.com

Listing ID: #75185 (Available)

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Specifications - K2322 (ID:75185)

TypeC-type press
Nominal force16 ton
Max. stroke5-55 mm
Number of courses of a slider per minute120
Motor power2 kW
The closed height220 mm
Table dimensions280 x 420 mm
Dimensions1060 x 1130 x 1870 mm
Weight1075 kg
C-type press for sale: C-type press K2322 - 16 ton (ID:75185). All details of this offer (availability, condition, price, delivery terms) will be sent to you by our manager, please click "Send inquiry". We can also help with finding other equipment for your needs.Send inquiry
Mechanical pressesEccentric pressesC-type pressesPresses 16 ton

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Configuration: 16 ton