Forging rolls Eumuco RW2

Listing ID: #76167 (Available)

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Specifications - Eumuco RW2 (ID:76167)

TypeForging rolls
Outer diameter of segments590 mm
Tool chucking width
— Centre part, manual chucking730 mm
— Outer rollers300 mm
Rolling length
— Centre part910 mm
— Outer rollers1400 mm
Adjustment of rollers20 mm
Weight23000 kg
Forging rolls for sale: Forging rolls Eumuco RW2 (ID:76167). All details of this offer (availability, condition, price, delivery terms) will be sent to you by our manager, please click "Send inquiry". We can also help with finding other equipment for your needs.Send inquiry

Photos - Eumuco RW2 (ID:76167)

Forging rolls Eumuco RW2 (ID:76167) - Dabrox.comForging rolls Eumuco RW2 (ID:76167) - Dabrox.comForging rolls Eumuco RW2 (ID:76167) - Dabrox.comForging rolls Eumuco RW2 (ID:76167) -
Forging machinesForging rollsForging rolls Eumuco

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