Forging rolls Smeral ULS 100 RA1

Listing ID: #75687 (Sold)

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Specifications - Smeral ULS 100 RA1 (ID:75687)

TypeForging rolls
ModelULS 100 RA1
Diameter of processed semi-products40-100 mm
Max. semi-product length500 mm
Number of working turns per minute8.8
Diameter of working rollers1000 mm
Width of working rollers1000 mm
Grip between the rollers130-250 mm
Max. rotating moment80 kNm
Minimum plan dimensions
Right-left4518 mm
Front to back4317 mm
Maximum floor plan dimensions (open covers and crossbar)
Right-left4518 mm
Front to back5314 mm
Machine height4210 mm
Main motor132 kW
Weight without spare rolls37927 kg
Forging rolls for sale: Forging rolls Smeral ULS 100 RA1 (ID:75687). All details of this offer (availability, condition, price, delivery terms) will be sent to you by our manager, please click "Send inquiry". We can also help with finding other equipment for your needs.Send inquiry

Photos & Video - Smeral ULS 100 RA1 (ID:75687)

Forging rolls Smeral ULS 100 RA1 (ID:75687) - Dabrox.comForging rolls Smeral ULS 100 RA1 (ID:75687) - Dabrox.comForging rolls Smeral ULS 100 RA1 (ID:75687) - Dabrox.comForging rolls Smeral ULS 100 RA1 (ID:75687) - Dabrox.comForging rolls Smeral ULS 100 RA1 (ID:75687) - Dabrox.comForging rolls Smeral ULS 100 RA1 (ID:75687) - Dabrox.comForging rolls Smeral ULS 100 RA1 (ID:75687) - Dabrox.comForging rolls Smeral ULS 100 RA1 (ID:75687) - Dabrox.comForging rolls Smeral ULS 100 RA1 (ID:75687) - Dabrox.comForging rolls Smeral ULS 100 RA1 (ID:75687) - Dabrox.comForging rolls Smeral ULS 100 RA1 (ID:75687) - Dabrox.comForging rolls Smeral ULS 100 RA1 (ID:75687) -
Cross wedge machine SmeralForging machinesForging rollsForging rolls SmeralCross wedge machine

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