Forging rolls TMP Voronezh CA1335

Listing ID: #75552 (Available)

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Specifications - TMP Voronezh CA1335 (ID:75552)

TypeForging rolls
ManufacturerTMP Voronezh
Nominal distance between axis320 mm
Nominal power800 kN
Size of cutting under tool, diameter180 mm
Length280 mm
Frequency of cutting gyration1-65 min
Adjustment Size between axis+3 mm
Diameter of starting billet95
Capacity of main drive31,5 kW
Length2590 mm
Width1930 mm
Height2130 mm
Machine weight8800 kg
Forging rolls for sale: Forging rolls TMP Voronezh CA1335 (ID:75552). All details of this offer (availability, condition, price, delivery terms) will be sent to you by our manager, please click "Send inquiry". We can also help with finding other equipment for your needs.Send inquiry

Photos - TMP Voronezh CA1335 (ID:75552)

Forging rolls TMP Voronezh CA1335 (ID:75552) - Dabrox.comForging rolls TMP Voronezh CA1335 (ID:75552) - Dabrox.comForging rolls TMP Voronezh CA1335 (ID:75552) - Dabrox.comForging rolls TMP Voronezh CA1335 (ID:75552) -
Forging machinesForging rollsForging rolls TMP Voronezh

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